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About Us

NR TRADE D.O.O (CG) in cooperation with ELBI D.O.O (SRB), a manufacturer of electrical equipment and lyophilization equipment, and the PVP Center for Lyophilization and Production of Lyophilized Food (SRB), carries out the import and distribution of all types of lyophilized food products.

We offer lyophilized fruits, goat dairy products such as goat cheese and whey, and medicinal herbs.

Lyophilization is a food drying technology at low temperatures, from -60°C to +40°C.

During lyophilization, water is removed from the food through sublimation. Deep-frozen products are placed in a lyophilization chamber, where drying occurs in an absolute vacuum.

The nutritional properties of the food are preserved during the lyophilization process, which is not the case with other drying methods. The shape, color, and smell remain unchanged.

The lyophilization process avoids product contamination. Most bacteria and molds cannot survive this process, as 97% of moisture is removed.

Foods obtained by this process have a very long shelf life, up to 10 years, provided they are packed in quality packaging and stored in adequate conditions – at moderate room temperature, hermetically sealed.

NASA first started using this technology for astronaut food because the products are lightweight and non-perishable. Recently, it has also been used by the military, seafarers, yachtsmen, and is rapidly starting to be used commercially.

The products are lightweight, practical, and can be taken as a meal on trips.